Author: Jen

Treat Every Day

…Like it’s the first.
As I was driving along the other day, Matthew West’s “Day One” began to play, and the lyrics really sank in.


The other day, I was filling out a form for an organization I’m a part of, and I had the opportunity to be dishonest.

Where’s the light?

I’m going to be honest with you right now — I have had a rough week. Not because anything went particularly wrong but because of an overwhelming workload.


We are called to BE still before the Lord and truly rest in His presence. That cannot happen when all we do is jump from one task to the next.

The Fruits of Follow-Through

“Find your passion.” “Do what you love.” “Know your calling.” These are a few of the phrases you get used to hearing when you attend a Lutheran, liberal arts college.

The Power of Truth

Last month, I went to a worship night, and the fear I had been a slave to these many years was broken down.